Thursday, June 5, 2014

You are the Pastor of a Church, Surely You are Concerned About the Safety of Your Flock, right? I mean Right?

Mr. Westerfield I could not possibly have said it so well as you did.  This is a continuation of a story that I started a while back.  Instead of going over it again, Just Click Here to catch up.

Now, for the rest of the story.  I went to court today with my son, who got subpenaed (wow that is a hard word to spell).  At any rate, him and his friend showed up on time.  The mother of the other boy has never spoken to me before.  She didn't like me much.  After today I think she knows that would she have just looked a little deeper she would have seen that I am so much more than I look like.  I, the one with the nervous condition, kept them calm.  No one was super freaking out, but we were all obviously upset.  These boys didn't want to rat out their friend.  It is a horrible siuation.

I learned something today.  When he got arrested for illegal firearms he went to jail and had a bond of 10,000 dollars.  What I did not know until today was that the church, where the scout meeting was held.  Yes, the same place where the Scouts meet...  the same place where he took a loaded weapon into the scout meeting, and showed it off to a boy..  That Church..  Yeah..  

I did not wonder lately why I was the one that had to call.  I also found out recently that the pastor of the church was going to get the guns from Josh and give them to the police.  Great concept, except he knew the cops were coming and still didn't part with his weapons.  No way in hell would he have given all his weapons to the pastor.

Now, today we were there for his trial.  Guess who not only posted his bail, but sent a representative to court in support of him today?  Yeah, the fucking church.

I know I am crazy, but there are so many things wrong with this picture.  So many lies and cover-ups.  The cop yelling at my son..  The fact that the kid that did this took all of our license plate information today.

This church has an obligation to keep its people safe.  This church is not doing its job.  They released a sick 18 year old with weapons out onto the street.  They are helping him get his life together while he lives with his Ex-con uncle, who is by the way, a real deal skinhead.

I wonder, to all the christians out there, would you stay at a church that helps people like that stay on the streets?  Helping him monetarily..  This is a kid that took a loaded weapon into a meeting with 20 boy scouts.  People are going to jail for a fucking bullet in their pocket and this kid gets a deal because he gave up the name of the guy he got the handgun from.

Back out on the street.  All this bullshit, and it was for nothing.  All the time I spent scared and worried and a fucking church is helping this ass hole?  The one I overheard talking about cutting lines today..  

This is real and this is happening.  I looked out the window to see the youth pastor doing the "use your finger as a gun to demonstrate" thing and it bothered me a lot.  He was standing there with the boy that committed this crime.  Laughing and joking about guns.  Hand guns to be exact..

Not appropriate.  This boy just turned 18.  He was in the role of a leader.  One of those boys could have been shot.  It was loaded.  I am not hated by everyone, but I have a whole lot of dangerous people really pissed at me.  I still would do it all over again.

For fuck sake the boy showed up in court wearing what he thought was his skinhead outfit.  Because he is clueless.  He is dumb enough to commit a level 3 felony and not see what was possibly wrong with that.  Yes, he is a psychopath.  

Now we move on..  the best we can.  At least this is over.  Actually, we will see...  I have a feeling it isn't quite over.

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