Tuesday, June 3, 2014

What is Your Calling?

It only took me nearly 20 years to figure it out..  but I am meant to write.  I aim to get paid for it someday, but in the meantime I think I shall continue to blog.  Do you feel like you are fulfilling your own calling?  It doesn't matter where or what you do, nor does it matter how much money you make.  What matters is that you like your job.  I worked at Walmart before I got sick.  That was NOT my calling.  I was miserable.  My point here is that if you are doing something that makes you sad, or angry, whatever..  you need to start down a new path.  

This is not nearly as hard as it sounds.  The economy is improving a bit.  There are ways of attending school online.  If you don't need school, spend that time looking for another job.  I know that when you are working 40 hours a week it seems impossible to look for work elsewhere, but your happiness is the important part.  If you are not happy, the people around you are going to suffer, your wife/husband, your kids, your parents; they all suffer when someone in the house is not happy.

No matter what you may hear about online education, if you put in the time you will be rewarded with the information and you will learn.  I must be honest here, I didn't learn a thing about math.  I took statistics and now I can understand what the studies mean in the scholarly articles that I read...  but math?  Forget it.  I learned nothing.  However, I am not trying to learn math.  I don't need it. That being said, I have passed all the classes that I love with an A.  I have learned because I put in the time and I do the work.

Hard times should always lead to learning something about yourself.  I hear all the time, "but you don't know what I have been through, you don't just move on from that" ...  Except yes you do.  I have lost everything and had to start completely over 3 times.  Wiped out.  I have been with the same man for nearly 20 years, even though we have been through hell as well.  I am clean from heroin.  I won't go on about my crap..  my point here is, every single time I forced myself to face the truth.  Look in the mirror.  You know the truth.

No more fucking excuses, get out there and get it done.  If you don't fight to learn and grow from all that life throws at you, then you are in real trouble.  Find your passion..  Find your purpose.  Find your peace.  Learn from your shit.  Period.

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