Monday, June 2, 2014

Finding Yourself in the Midst of the Chaos

Okay, so there is a little informative post.  Fibro patients, remember you are not alone.  There are more of us out here.  More than that.. make sure that you try to find some girlfriends.  I have been shocked that my some of my best friends, who know more about me than my own husband; are all online.  I haven't met any of them in person.  It doesn't matter.  Of course I doubted the validity when people claimed that they found their partner online.  I was skeptical but I have proven myself wrong.  I have some amazing friends who helped me through the gun incident.  Amazing women who know exactly what to say and when to say it.

I have found strength because I asked for what I needed.  

I asked verbatim for a hippy version of Mary Poppins and I found one.  Sometimes all you have to do is ask.  I know that you feel like a drain on your loved ones. I understand that feeling so well.  We tend to go quiet and try to make the lives of the people around us easier by being quiet and not asking for what we need.  

It can be hard to figure out what you are missing.  Start at the beginning.  Pretend you are 20 again, learn to live with the disease instead of it ruining your life.  I missed so much with my boys.  Hang with your kids when you can.  They don't need you all the time, children understand more than we give them credit for.  They only want you to try.  That isn't so hard.  Again, I recommend some cheeba to help with your pain, as well as puts you on an amazing level with your kids.  It relaxes your mind so you can really BE THERE, instead of in your head.

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