Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Sex and Fibromyalgia... How I See Things... You Can Have Both

I just had a wonderful time with my husband.  I will allow you to read into that what you will.  That being said, fibro changes everything, including how we behave in the bedroom.  I have a couple of hacks, a couple of illegal ideas, and an overall information for those of us who have this condition, and still want to live,  Sex with our partner is a really important part of your life that you should pay close attention to.  This is not by any means just for those of us with Fibro.  I am talking to all those that have injured themselves, MS, I don't have all night to make the list.  Maybe my ideas freak you out.  Maybe they help.. Whatever, read it just for fun then, because it is about sex after all.

Now, we have to communicate with our partners correctly about how we are feeling, and we have to consider what they are going through.  You may be the fucked up one, but your partner suddenly has a fucked up partner, they are in hell with you; never forget that.

Communicate with your partner that when you are in pain all the time, it makes sex one of the last things on our minds.  However, I can say that I have never regretted the nights that I have had with my husband.  We have learned that a good time now and then is better than forcing it and hurting me.  

Now for the advice.  I advise you, if you are over 18 and experiencing pain, check out cannabis and see how much that can help.  Now the super crazy part.   Another friend tried mushrooms, she has fibro too.  She said that they helped for 24 hours, she felt better.  After hearing this news

I checked the studies above and it seems to me that fibro can be a lot like PTSD.  The nerve part any way.  I am all about trying whatever it takes, within limits that are safe.  I don't reccomend any of the above things, I am simply telling my story and the story of my friends. 

Reader, if you are shocked by the "drug talk" think about all the things you take, even from over the counter?  All drugs are dangerous, but some allow us a richer, happier, life and they should be explored so that we can have some painless sex with our partners for once.

Now, forgoing all the above information, I will also be honest about how I like it when I am hurting.  You can make it fun.  Hubby knows that when I am in pain I need him to be aggressive.  The point of sharing all this is because you should explore new ways to make yourself and your partner sexual.  We have this shit forever, we better figure out a new way to deal with this new life, instead of trying to fight the pain.  Hug it..  bring it with you.  Know it..  make it a part of you.  Then you are a person again.  Ask for what you want.  Know that every single fucking thing is going to change, especially your sex life.  

Your only job is to live with it, get on with what you are capable of.  Push your limits.  If you have Fibro always remember that the pain is not an injury.  It is only pain.  Love it, live it....  sit the fuck down wherever you need to..  

I am getting a medical bracelet.  I recommend any of you that have the shaking part like I have..  it sucks I know..  however it is worse when we are stressed out, we know that.  That having been said, I never want treated like a drug addict again.  I never want anyone EVER again to tell me to "calm down" because they have no fucking idea how hard you are working just to be as calm as you already are.  I get it.  Fuck that shit.  Get a bracelet.  Protect yourself from the police thinking you are a nutcase just because you are nervous and upset.   

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