Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Random Day, Random Post, Random Randomness

I have been working with different fonts, to figure out the one I am in love with.  Why is it so hard to pick a font.  When I was doing graphic design I got really good at making the background, or putting the layers together in a way that worked, but every single damn time...  THE FONT.  I have literally spent days trying to figure out which works best.  I think, possibly, that is because there are so damn many of them..  Like Photoshop, there is so much that you can do, it is so easy to get lost in the possibilities and end up with some crap and still no font.

The font ties things together.  Nice a neat, like the women and men that work that stall at the mall and make your presents look like Martha Stewart herself had done it?  Yeah, that is what the right font does.  As I type this out I realize that this can be a metaphor for life..

We get so bogged down with all the things that need done.  All the things we think we need fall by the wayside, while we are figuring out which minivan to purchase, thinking about the bills, things we must do.  I get that and I have been there.  However, now that I have gotten so ill I have spent a lot of time thinking, hence the helter skelter way in which I present information, it is all in my brain, screaming to get out.  I hope that if I type enough blogs the literal ringing in my ears will stop.  No I am not that stupid, of course that was my silly attempt at some humor.

Everything can overwhelm, then you end up with the car and the house, and the dog and the 2 and a half kids and still feel empty; still feel like this isn't what you signed up for.  On the commercials it looks like SO much more fun.  Babies shit all the time and they make your titties forever different, not to mention the stretch marks..  then they get older and school happens and maybe bullies, maybe your kid is the bully.. 
The last thing I have to say on the topic of kids for today is this:  If you give birth to a human being, it is your fucking job to make sure they are a decent fucking human being.  It isn't that hard, take their screens away, take them the fuck outside and just be there for them.  Don't act like since they can suddenly feed themselves like you are no longer responsible for that child.  The "Mothers" of the world, myself included, are tired of having to try to fix your shitty kid because you did a shitty job.  Woman up (like man up only for girls) and do your mother fucking jobs.

When you are overwhelmed it is essential to bring it in.  Meaning, I know there are bills..  I know there are struggles.  I know there are calls from the school and you feel like this is impossible...  but live day by day.  Worrying about what already happened, or what might happen is a total waste of time.  Worrying isn't going to change a damn thing, except make you less functional.  Worrying never got me any fucking where, ever.  It changes nothing.  It only makes you less capable of dealing with things as they come.  It's as wasted as anger..  no one gives a shit if you are pissed off and certainly you are not going to communicate effectively because you are raging..  same thing.

This is one the the hardest things I have had to teach myself as an adult.  That I have to sit back and try to relax and let nature take it's course.  Go out in nature.  Get in tune with it.  Fucking relax and handle your shit. 

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